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OJSC “Managing company holding ”Gomel meat& dairy company" is authorized to represent the interests of the Gomel region. The resource potential of agricultural enterprises of the Gomel region is quite high. Agriculture is able to meet the needs of the population in basic food products, providing raw materials for processing industries and the export of raw materials and foodstuffs.

The joint-stock company structure includes 3 meat-processing plants, 7 dairy plants, 2 trade houses and 1 ice-cream factory. All enterprises make the uniform system, allowing to deepen manufacture specialization, and also to increase volumes of release of meat and dairy production.

The enterprises of meat and milk branch are focused on foreign markets. Now we export our production to 20 countries all over the world. Priority markets are: Russian Federation, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Representations plays important role in production advancement. We have 3 representations in Russia and 1 in Ukraine. Enterprises expand the geography of deliveries.

The capacity of processing enterprises makes it possible to increase exports of canned milk, meat, dairy products, technical casein, non-fat dry milk.

ОАО МИЛКАВИТА Светлогорский молочный завод ЧУП Жлобинский мясокомбинат ОАО Калинковичский мясокомбинат ОАО Рогачевский МКК ОАО Мозырские молочные продукты ЧУП Рогачевский МКК ОАО Белсыр СООО Гомельский мясокомбинат ОАО
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